I'm Muhammad and I am attending secondary school. I will finish my education to become the best player in the Saudi Arabia's team, and will get the "best player in Asia" award.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
He uses the phrase "first player in the...team" but it's best translated to English as "best player in the... team" as that is what he means. It also appears that he is referring to football teams, but that is not 100% clear.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 1월 16일 03:00
ben muhammed ve lise de okuyorum.eğitimimi tamamlayınca suudi arabistan'ın en iyi futbolcusu olacağımve asyanın en iyi oyuncusu olma gibi hayale sahibim
He has translated it into Turkish, but his translation does not agree with the English translation. It's more like this:
I'm Muhammed and I'm studying in high school. When I finish my education, I'll become the best football player in Saudi Arabia and I also dream of becoming the best player in Asia.