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Translation - English-Latin - you cannot be an expert at a job for which you have not done an apprenticeship

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Category Sentence

you cannot be an expert at a job for which you have not done an apprenticeship
Submitted by ozldun
Source language: English Translated by kafetzou

you cannot be an expert at a job for which you have not done an apprenticeship
Remarks about the translation
I think this is an expression, meaning something like "You have to crawl before you walk."

Note that this is a bridge translation to facilitate the Latin translation.

Non potes esse magister professionis quam non condidicisti

Translated by goncin
Target language: Latin

Non potes esse magister professionis quam non
Remarks about the translation
Du kann st nicht Meister sein eines Berufes, den du nicht erlernt hast
Validated by jufie20 - 13 October 2008 06:08