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Dịch - Turkish-English - Eminim ki 4 ay içinde ikimizde hiçbir zaman...

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Nhóm chuyên mục Thoughts

Eminim ki 4 ay içinde ikimizde hiçbir zaman...
Submitted by titanicdila
Source language: Turkish

Eminim ki 4 ay içinde ikimizde hiçbir zaman barışmayacağımıza tamamiyle emin olamadık.En azından ben..Herzaman ki gibi yine birlikteyiz.Umarım her zaman bu böyle devam eder.Çünkü artık gereksiz huzursuzluklardan bıktım.4 ay boyunca hep geri adım attık.Bundan sonra inşallah hep ileri gideriz.Umarım bundan sonra ne sen ne ben kırılırız..Seni çok seviyorum.

I'm sure that both of us have not been

Translated by kfeto
Target language: English

I'm sure that in four months both of us have not been able to fully convince ourselves that we'll never make up again. At the very least me...Like always we're back together. I hope it'll always continue like this. Because I've become fed up with unnecessary unhappiness. For four months we just took steps backwards. Godwilling from now on we'll only go forward. I hope from now on neither of us will be hurt.. I love you very much
Validated by dramati - 19 Tháng 2 2008 12:30

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18 Tháng 2 2008 18:44

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18 Tháng 2 2008 21:33

Tổng số bài gửi: 953
yet again the i I saga continues...