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Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Noors E det longfrien jeg skimte
E det langferien jeg skimte?
The context is not important here.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Is it the long vacation I discern?
Source language
Engels Robbie williams- feel
I just wanna feel real love,
Feel the home that I live in,
I got too much love,
Running through my veins, going to waste.

Vertalings gedaan
Latyn Amorem verum sentire...
Source language
Sweeds Trattkantarellsoppa 1 dl torkade...
1 dl torkade trattkantareller
2 st schalottenlökar, finhackade
4 msk smör el margarin
4 msk vetemjöl
1,2 l vatten
2 tärningar grönsaksbuljong
2 dl crème fraiche (inte lätt!)
1 tsk tomatpuré
3,5 krm salt
2,5 krm vitpeppar
2,5 krm svartpeppar
2 krm pressad citron
finhackad gräslök
Gör så här: Smula sönder det mesta av svampen i handen, blötlägg i en skål med 2 dl av vattnet, låt stå i minst en halvtimme. Obs, vattnet ska användas i soppan senare.
Recept till faster i England. Brittisk engelska.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels funnel chantarelle soup
Source language
Turks keşke yanımda olsaydın tek ...
keşke yanımda olsaydın tek istediğim seninle beraber elele yaşlanmak

Vertalings gedaan
Engels If only you were beside me...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Latyn praepropere finem habuit
praepropere finem habuit

Vertalings gedaan
Italiaans Finì troppo in fretta.
Source language
Engels Bullying
The more kids are aware of what bullying is, the better. Kids need to recognize bullying when they see it, so they can, at least, try and stop it.

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Brutalités
Latyn Quo plus liberorum quid obiurgare esse sciunt...
Sjinees 恃強淩弱
Source language
Italiaans E……. mai ricevuto Ing. M…. (uomo)
Gentilissimo Ing. M….. (uomo) la ringrazio per la email.
Le confermiamo che abbiamo pagato 1350 EUR per il dispositivo elettronico E……. e che a distanza di molti mesi NON abbiamo mai ricevuto il vostro prodotto dal sig. K…. (uomo).
Siamo molto tristi e dispiaciuti di essere stati vittima di una truffa.
Lei è l'unica persona che ha il potere e l'autorità per fare qualcosa per risolvere il problema.
Potrebbe cortesemente aiutare a risolvere il problema e a tenerci indenni dal danno subito provvedendo personalmente ad inviare il prodotto che abbiamo acquistato al nostro indirizzo in Italia?
Un cordiale saluto,
la parola (uomo) non è da tradurre.

Vertalings gedaan
Pools Prośba
Source language
Turks şehirdeki liman son yıllarda gelişti.
şehirdeki liman son yıllarda gelişti.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The port in the city
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks Sayın Tahibauth ilgili dökümanlar imzalı bir...
Sayın Tahibauth

ilgili dökümanlar imzalı bir şekilde ektedir.

İyi günler

Vertalings gedaan
Frans Documents
Engels Dear Tahibauth
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Japannees あと、『黄金夢想曲』の、いわゆる簡単操作モードのプロトタイプが昨日完成しました。...



The info i am looking for is any information regarding any updates to the game. There is an update which suggests the game will be more compatible for women and the game being made easier, that information is particularly of interest.

The game is called 黄金夢想曲, and is from the website 07th expansion. It is a fighting game. The text is an extract from an update which was posted on the website. A few words may be ambiguous but I'm not looking for a full translation, only information regarding updates to the game.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels In addition, I completed the so-called easy operation mode of "Golden dream tunes" yesterday.
Source language
Duits Empfehlungsschreiben
Ich kenne Yuliya aus dem Begabtenförderprogramm der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS), in das sie als Staatsbürgerin Kasachstans 2009 aufgenommen wurde. Sie trat vor allem durch sehr interessante Beiträge zur internationalen Politik Chinas und Russlands hervor.
Sie studiert seit Oktober 2009 an der Universität Berlin erfolgreich Ostasienwirtschaft, so dass ihr KAS-Stipendium bis Februar 2012 reichen wird und wir davon ausgehen, dass sie zu dem Zeitpunkt ihr Studium erfolgreich abschließen wird . Als bereits International Studierende ging sie 2011 an staatliche Universität in Peking, um ihre Chinesisch und Landeskenntnisse weiter auszubauen. Ihr starker Wille Ökonomie in Verbindung mit der chinesischen Sprache zu studieren lässt auch weiterhin gute und interessante Ergebnisse erwarten.
Damit zeichnet sich sie als eine sehr sprachbegabte Studentin aus, die mit ihren sehr guten Deutschkenntnissen stets ohne Probleme aktiv an den KAS-Seminaren teilnahm.
Wir freuen uns Ihnen Yuliya weiter empfehlen zu dürfen!

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Letter of recommendation
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Frans Oui, oui, je pense à vous
Oui, oui, je pense à vous

Vertalings gedaan
Spaans Pienso en vosotros
Source language
Turks 19yaşındayım.Liseden çocuk gelişimi bölümünden...
19yaşındayım.Liseden çocuk gelişimi bölümünden mezun oldum.Şuan istanbul üni coğrafya bölümü birinci sınıf öğrencisiyim.küçük bir aileyiz,bir abim var
ingiliz ingilizcesi

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I am 19 years old. I graduated...
Source language
Frans Les organisations internationales sont donc impuissantes?
En quelques années, le programme alimentaire mondial a perdu la moitié de son budget, qui n'est plus que de 3,2 milliards. Les pays riches ne cotisent plus. Ils doivent sauver leurs banques. C'est à dire les spéculateurs.
La lutte contre la faim dans le monde passe après. J'appelle cela un crime contre l'humanité.
Propos de Jean Ziegler, recueillis par un quotidien régional français, au sujet de son livre "Destruction massive".

Vertalings gedaan
Engels So, are international organizations powerless?
Italiaans Le organizzazioni internazionali sono dunque impotenti?
Grieks Τελικά είναι ανίσχυροι οι διεθνείς οργανισμοί;
Spaans ¿Entonces las organizaciones internacionales son impotentes?
Duits Die internationalen Organisationen sind also machtlos?
Brasiliaanse Portugees Então as organizações internacionais são impotentes?
Sweeds Är internationella organisationer maktlösa?
Nederlands Dus, zijn internationale organisaties machteloos?
Deens Så er internationale organisationer magtesløse?
Romeens Organizaţiile internaţionale sunt deci neputincioase?
Bulgaars Безсилни ли са международните организации?
Farsie-Persies بدین سان، آیا سازمان های بین المللی ناتوان هستند؟
Russies Международные организации бессильны?
Sjinees vereenvoudig 国际组织是无能的吗?
Noors Er Internasjonale organisasjoner maktesløse?
Turks Yani uluslararası organizasyonlar güçsüz mü?
Source language
Russies Заместитель командира мотострелковой роты...
Заместитель командира мотострелковой роты гвардейской дивизии гвардии старший лейтенант Конторин изнывал от безделья.
American English, please.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Deputy commander of motorized infantry company
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks Bunu en yakın arkadaşıma üç ay sonra...
Bunu en yakın arkadaşıma üç ay sonra söyleyebildim.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I was able to say this to my...
Source language
Turks Bedeninin Bakire Olmasi Önemli Deyil Yeterki...
Bedeninin Bakire Olmasi Önemli Deyil Yeterki Ruhun Fahise Olmasin!

Vertalings gedaan
Engels That your body is virgin is not...
Sweeds Det är inte viktigt ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Pools 2)Nie narzekaj, że masz pod górę gdy ...
2)Nie narzekaj, że masz pod górę gdy zmierzasz na szczyt.
3) Drzewo podczas burzy, jeszcze mocniej zapuszcza korzenie.
4) Szczęście mi sprzyja.
5)Jestem dzieckiem boga i szczęście mi sprzyja.
Witam proszę o przetłumaczenie na język arabski zdań gdyż bardzo podobają mi się i chce sobie z nich zrobić tatuaż.

<edit> Took "1)Rogata dusza." off the translation request, as it is breaking our 4th rule.</edit>

Vertalings gedaan
Engels Don't complain it is uphill ...
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Turks sensiz burada kendimi okadar yalnız hissediyorumki
sensiz burada kendimi okadar yalnız hissediyorumki

Vertalings gedaan
Engels I just feel so lonely without you here
Source language
Turks İhale, idari şartnamesine göre ihaleden 10 gün...
İhale, idari şartnamesine göre ihaleden 10 gün önce zeyil name ile yapılabilecek şartname değişikliğini zamanında yapmadı. İhalenin askeri güvenlik bölgesini ilgilendirmesi nedeniyle 2565 sayılı Askeri Yasak Bölge ve 4734 sayılı ihale kanunun 21 B maddesi uyarınca gerekli olan Genelkurmay izni ve firmanın yeterlilik belgesi şartı İdare tarafından iptal edildi. İdare bu değişiklikle kamu yararı adına rekabet ortamı yaratmak istediğini kaydetti.
This is the final part of an article about a cancelled bidding round for mine sweeping.

Vertalings gedaan
Engels The bid did not make the changes
Frans L'offre n'a pas apporté de modifications
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