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翻訳 - ペルシア語-英語 - كودكي ياد گرفتم كه مي خواست آب شور

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كودكي ياد گرفتم كه مي خواست آب شور
原稿の言語: ペルシア語

مهرباني را از كودكي ياد گرفتم كه مي خواست آب شور دريا را با آبنياتش شيرين كند

اگر كسي را دوست داري به او بگو، زيرا قلبها معمولاً‌ با كلماتي كه ناگفته مي ماند، ميشكنند
Would like to get translated into english/U.S.
This is from a friends blog site and cannot find an online translator for Farsi/Persian only Arabic, and that does not give best results.

I learned kindness from the child who...

翻訳の言語: 英語

I learned kindness from the child who tried to sweeten the salty sea water with his candy.
If you love someone, tell him/her, because the hearts are usually broken by those words that remain unsaid.
最終承認・編集者 lilian canale - 2009年 2月 18日 23:13



2009年 2月 10日 14:41

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
Hi ghasemkiani,

I'd say:
"... because the unsaid words are what breaks the hearts."

What do you think?

2009年 2月 10日 16:10

投稿数: 175

Thanks for the suggestion. Your expression sounds better, but shouldn't it be "are what break the hearts" (plural)? Besides, can we somehow insert the word "usually" in it?

On the other hand, the structure "it is ... that ..." is quite common and valid in English. My only doubt is about the "words" being plural and maybe somehow inconsistent with "it is".

2009年 2月 10日 16:26

投稿数: 175

Please see this translation, too:

"... because the hearts are usually broken by the words that remain untold."

This is an exact translation of the Persian source. Do you agree with this translation?

2009年 2月 10日 16:32

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
The verb could be plural in a different structure, ie:

"the unsaid words are those which break the hearts"
but 'what' takes a singular form, like in:
"Honesty and hard work are what matters"

And you can insert "usually", of course.

{edit} About that other version, yes it's fine to me. I'd just change "the words" into "those words" and "untold"' into "unsaid".

2009年 2月 10日 16:36

lilian canale
投稿数: 14972
That's a beautiful thought.

2009年 2月 10日 16:37

投稿数: 175
Many thanks for all your valuable help, lilian canale. I changed "untold" to "unsaid", using the new version of the translation.