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62Translation - Spanish-Danish - No llores porque ya se termino... sonrie porque...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SpanishFrenchItalianDanishTurkish

Category Letter / Email - Love / Friendship

This translation request is "Meaning only".
No llores porque ya se termino... sonrie porque...
Submitted by gamine
Source language: Spanish

No llores porque ya se terminó... sonríe porque sucedió
Remarks about the translation
frances de francia

Græd ikke fordi det allerede er forbi....smil fordi det

Translated by gamine
Target language: Danish

Græd ikke fordi det allerede er forbi,
smil fordi det er sket.
Remarks about the translation
"Græd ikke fordi det allerede er over" eller "slut".
Validated by wkn - 24 June 2008 20:21