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114Übersetzung - Türkisch-Englisch - Hayat dediÄŸin bir çay....

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Hayat dediğin bir çay....
Übermittelt von jolanda1981
Herkunftssprache: Türkisch

Hayat dediğin bir çay, insan ise bir şeker.
Kariştirdikça hayattan tat aldiğini sanirsin.
Oysaki ; hayatin seni erittigini çay bitince anlarsin

What you call "life" is a cup of tea..

Übersetzt von tuch
Zielsprache: Englisch

What you call "life" is a cup of tea, and "the human-being" is the sugar.
As you stir it, you think you enjoy life.
However, when the tea is finished, you'll understand that life melts you.
Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von handyy - 5 September 2010 17:29