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Übersetzung - Rumänisch-Englisch - Postul lui Kate

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Postul lui Kate
Übermittelt von Simonique2007
Herkunftssprache: Rumänisch

Postul de jurist este ocupat de Kate fiind în subordinea directorului general Jane. Juristul este o persoană importantă pentru întreprindere, fiind reprezentantul acesteia şi având ca atribuţii reprezentarea intereselor firmei in faţa instanţelor de judecată şi soluţionarea unor conflicte apărute pe cale juridică.
De asemenea acesta mai are ca atribuţii şi vizarea contractelor civile şi comerciale pe care firma le încheie cu partenerii comerciali şi consilierea din punct de vedere juridic.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
Textul va fi tradus in limba engleză britanică.

Kate's job

Übersetzt von cinnamon
Zielsprache: Englisch

The legal consultant workplace is occupied by Kate being in the direct coordonation of Jane,the general director. The legal consultant is an important person for the company, by being its representative and having as atributions the following the company's interests at court and solving law-related conflicts.
also the legal consultant has to approve the civil&comercial contracts which the company signs with partners, and to advice in legal matters.
Bemerkungen zur Übersetzung
This is the orig. translation which is not proper in terms of English.

The jurist workplace is occupied by Kate being in the direct coordonation of Jane,the general director. The jurist is an important person for the company, by being its representative and having as atributions the following the company's interests at court and solving law-related conflicts.
also the jurist has to approve the civil&comercial contracts which the company signs with partners, and to advice in legal matters.

Zuletzt bestätigt oder bearbeitet von dramati - 25 Dezember 2007 17:28

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25 Dezember 2007 05:11

Anzahl der Beiträge: 972

I cannot OK this version in English until another word for jurist is found here. The jurist, in English has nothing to do with a legal representative of a corporation. The best word would be corporate para-legal, or corporate lawyer, or legal advisor. Until this is made clear I cannot o.k. this in English. Please revise.