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Umseting - Enskt-Latín - You know guys...I'm single now

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Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining".
You know guys...I'm single now
Framborið av lady_c
Uppruna mál: Enskt

You know guys...I'm single now and I want to stay single because I hate all the boys because they are all liar, from now on I won't fall in love again....I hate you boys...all of you...I love myself....that's why I want to stay single, because I'm afraid to be hurt again....I love you all.

Conoscitis pueros…

Umsett av jufie20
Ynskt mál: Latín

Conoscitis pueros….Sum sola nunc et volo remanere sola. Odium habeo in Omnes pueros, quoniam omnes sunt mendaces. Inde ab hoc tempore non concipiam pectore amorem rursus. Odium concipio in pueros.....omnes a vobis…. Amo me ipsam. Ergo malo remanere sola, quoniam pavea ne vulnerer rursus.... Amo vos omnes.

Viðmerking um umsetingina
pueros = adulescentulos
Odium habeo = odium oncipio
Góðkent av jufie20 - 18 Oktober 2008 06:08