Cucumis - Gratis online oversettelsestjeneste
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Original tekst - Engelsk - Perhaps, to ascertain that your prize money has...

Nåværende statusOriginal tekst
Denne teksten kan bli sett i de følgende språkene: EngelskRumensk

Kategori Fri skriving - Dagligliv

Spørsmål for denne tekst er "Kun lydelsen".
Perhaps, to ascertain that your prize money has...
Tekst som skal oversettes
Skrevet av Ewan
Kildespråk: Engelsk

Perhaps, to ascertain that your prize money has transferred legally and back up by legalistic to the procedure of this Bank. We do this to affirm legitimacy and uprightness to enable our customers hold confidence on their case.
Prior to this, we would have wire you’re prize as you said, owing to the transfer documents of such as your Winning Certificate, deposits certificate Court Affidavit that will be obtained from British Law Court to legitimate your claim in your absent
Anmerkninger gjeldende oversettelsen
according to translator's notification, I edited "costumers" with "customers" (09/05 francky)
Sist redigert av Francky5591 - 16 September 2007 20:33