Unae feminae quae intellegere quod sentiam potest. Illi quae sentit quod sentiam. Quid amor sit scio. Illi quae mihi verum sensum amoris monstravit. Amor est verbum definiens quod verbis exprimere non possim.
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané Aneta B. - 18 novembra 2009 13:04
"To the only person (who is) able to understand what I feel.
To the one who feels what I feel.
I know what love is.
To the one who has shown me the true meaning of love.
Love is the word which defines what I can't express through words."
I'm sorry but I had to correct also your previous translation... dependent clauses need conjunctives... I'm absendminded sometimes, so forgive me, please.