Cucumis - Huduma huria ya utafsirishaji mtandaoni
. .

Nakala asilia - Kilatini - Draco dormiens nunquam ...

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Category Literature

Ombi hili la tafsiri ni "Maana peke yake".
Draco dormiens nunquam ...
Nakala ya kutafsiriwa
Tafsiri iliombwa na rebecka0001
Lugha ya kimaumbile: Kilatini

Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.
Ilihaririwa mwisho na Francky5591 - 30 Novemba 2009 00:00

Ujumbe wa hivi karibuni


29 Novemba 2009 15:01

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Single words?

CC: Efylove Aneta B.

29 Novemba 2009 15:04

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Ps. I found: "Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon" on the net, but here's punctuation mark so...

29 Novemba 2009 15:15

Idadi ya ujumbe: 12396
It seems it is the Hogwarts school*'s motto.

 hogwarts school.png

*Harry Potter's school

29 Novemba 2009 16:11

Idadi ya ujumbe: 1015
There's a verb "est" implied, which is usual for Latin... however, "titillandus", even without "est", can (and must) be considered a verb.

29 Novemba 2009 17:15

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Ok, thanks a lot Efylove.

Maybe a stupid Q, but why is there a comma between each word?

29 Novemba 2009 17:16

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114

CC: Efylove

29 Novemba 2009 21:30

Aneta B.
Idadi ya ujumbe: 4487
Hi, dear Pia! I removed the standbye and have just translated the sentence.
Hope you won't have any more doubts now...

p.s. IMO the comma between this two words isn't needed at all: "nunquam,titillandus"

30 Novemba 2009 08:45

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114

There were commas between every word Aneta!! But.. it seems that Franck fixed that.

30 Novemba 2009 09:57

Aneta B.
Idadi ya ujumbe: 4487
And he was right, dear Pia. The sentence doesn't need any commas...
I probably know why the requester put them. Becuase of the motto of Harry Potter's school above. It looks like the words were isolated, but they aren't...

30 Novemba 2009 12:54

Idadi ya ujumbe: 8114
Yessssssss, I never said he was wrong Aneta. And thanks for the explanation