seni çok özledim sana çok alışmıştım senin yokluğun çok kötü seni şimdiden özledim öptüm seni.
ben de seninle olmak isterdim seni çok özledim acaba seninle bir daha görüşebilecek miyiz seni görmek istiyorum öptüm aşkım.
Notas sobre a tradução
dostalam sms-a o dokladnie tej tresci. po czesci to przetlumaczylam, ale jesli ktos bylby w stanie przekazac mi dokladnie jego tresc bylabym wdzieczna. dziekuje
before edits: "seni cok özledim sana cok alismistim senin yokluyun cok kötü seni simdiden özledim öptüm seni.
bende seninle olmak isterdim seni cok özledim acaba seninle birdaha görüse bilcek miyiz seni görmek istiyorum öptüm askim."
I've missed you very much. I had really gotten used to you. Your absence is very bad. I miss you already. Kiss you. I would like to be with you, too. I've missed you very much. I wonder if we will be able to see each other again. I want to see you. Kiss you my love.
Último validado ou editado por lilian canale - 30 Setembro 2009 17:00
They are not exactly the same.
'get used to' means "become accustomed to sth/sb"
and 'be used to' means "be accustomed to sth/sb.
Your sentence could be either "I was used to you" or "I had got/gotten used to you". He is talking about the past, they are no longer together.
I've missed you very much. I had gotten used to you so much. Your absence is very bad. I've already missed you. Kiss you.
I would like to be next to you, too. I've missed you very much. I wonder if we will be able to see each other again. I want to see you. Kiss you, my love.