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255 Limba sursă Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie Tria bella punica fuerunt: primum a ducentesimo... Tria bella punica fuerunt: primum a ducentesimo sexagesimo quarto anno a.Ch.n. usque ad annum ducentesimum quadragesimum unum; secundum ab anno ducentesimo duodevicesimo usque ad annum unum et ducentesimum; tertium ab anno centesimo undequinquagesimo usque ad centesimum sextum et quadragesimum annum. tradurre in Inglese USA Traduceri completate There were three Punic wars | |
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233 Limba sursă bide the wiccan law ye must,in perfect love and... Bide the Witch's law we must, In perfect love, in perfect trust. Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will. What ye send forth comes back to thee, So ever mind the rule of three. Follow this with mind and heart, Merry meet and merry part!
original: bide the wiccan law ye must,in perfect love and perfect trust. eight words the wiccan rede fulfill. an´ye harm none,do what ye will. what ye sand forth comes back to thee so ever mind the law of three. follow this with mind and heart,merry ye meet,and merry ye apart. Traduceri completate Devemos aguardar a lei das Bruxas Nós devemos seguir as leis da Wicca, no amor perfeito e | |
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232 Limba sursă Această solicitare de traducere se referă numai la semnificaţie there some terms of performance´s paint: good... there some terms of performance´s paint: good accerlerated durability,good chip resistence, goos delamination resistgance, goos repair adhesion. PROCESSABILITY GOOD SAG RESISTANCE, WORKABLE VISC/ATOMIZATION, GOOD SHELF STABILITY,NO EDGE PULL, GOOD OVERSPRAY COMPATIBILITY THE INFORMATION IS ABOUT PAINT BASE WATER Traduceri completate algunos términos del funcionamiento de la pintura: | |
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