Cucumis - Service de traduction gratuit en ligne
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Resultats 79121 - 79140 sur un total d'environ 105991
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Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Anglais Cupid chokehold
Cupid chokehold

Traductions terminées
Turc Eros kilidi
Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.
Arabe MaktubAwal suhurGamilNar el ...
Awal suhur
Nar el jaled
Enta omri
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules

Traductions terminées
Anglais Letter AWAL SUHUR pretty...
Espagnol Carta AWAL SUHUR bello/a...
Roumain Scrisoare AWAL SUHUR Drăguţ
Langue de départ
Slovaque vnitrni lekarstvi
vnitrni lekarstvi
thank you , its supposed to be a Dr's specialty

Traductions terminées
Anglais Internal medicine
Langue de départ
Italien Con il prodigy è necessario collegare i punti j e...
Con il prodigy è necessario collegare i punti j e k per l'utilizzo del fix che spegne la console in caso di blocchi. Vi ricordo che sulle consoli non è indispensabile installare il fix diodi.
Texten handlar om nån installation av ett spel (prodigy?)

Traductions terminées
Anglais with the prodigy
Suédois Med underbarnet
Langue de départ
Arabe انا اسمي سندس عمري 30 سنة
انا اسمي سندس عمري 30 سنة

Traductions terminées
Suédois Sundus 30 Ã¥r
109Langue de départ
Cette demande de traduction ne concerne que la signification.109
Anglais Brothers in Arms
There's so many different worlds,
So many different suns.
And we have just one world,
But we live in different ones.
Verses from the song by Dire Straits. For the wiki article on my profile.

Utilizaţi acest link dacă nu aveţi tastatură cu caractere româneşti.
Warning : Any translation done without using the diacritics when necessary will be systematically rejected.

Atenţie, orice traducere de text, în orice limbă ar fi ea, care nu utilizează diacriticele folosite în mod normal în respectiva limbă, va fi respinsă sistematic.

Traductions terminées
Français Frères d'armes
Italien Fratelli armati
Turc Kollar arasında kardeşler
Grec Αδέρφοι πολεμιστές
Polonais Bracia broni
Arabe إخوة في السّلاح
Roumain sunt atât de multe lumi diferite
Hongrois Testvérek a háborúban
Allemand Waffenbrüder
Suédois Bröder i hop
Néerlandais Wapenbroeders..
Finnois Aseveljet
Serbe Braća u ratu
Russe Братья по оружию
Bulgare Братя по оръжие
10Langue de départ10
Roumain La mulţi ani, Maya! Să fii fericită şi iubită...
La mulţi ani, Maya! Să fii fericită şi iubită toată viaţa.

Traductions terminées
Anglais Happy Birthday, Maya! May you be happy and loved ...
Suédois Grattis pÃ¥ födelsedagen, Maya! MÃ¥ du bli lycklig...
Langue de départ
Anglais You can be calm, alone in dreams I dare to kill.
You can be calm, alone in dreams I dare to kill.

Traductions terminées
Suédois Du kan vara lugn, det är endast i drömmarna jag törs döda.
Langue de départ
Anglais Hi, I got my hands over your CD and it is still...
Hi, I got my hands over your CD and it is fantastic and i love it, absolutely adore it. Well I'm wondering if you are coming anytime soon to Iceland to play. Well if not, then I guess I just have to come to Sweden to see you

Traductions terminées
Suédois Hej, jag fick tag pÃ¥ din CD och den är fortfarande...
Langue de départ
Portugais Invades meus pensamentos Me deixas esquecido em...
Invades meus pensamentos
Me deixas esquecido em teus olhos
Procuro o segredo do que fazes em mim

Minhas mãos percorrem teu corpo
Num caminho de prazer
Nos rumos do nosso querer

Meu coração bate por você, o que fazer?
Então procuro gardar o que sinto
E nessa viagem prometo voltar

Somente pra te tocar
E teus lábios docemente beijar.


Traductions terminées
Suédois Träng in i mina tankar LÃ¥t mig glömmas bort i...
Langue de départ
Allemand Schöne Ferien
Schöne Ferien
Auf Wiedersehen
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traductions terminées
Portuguais brésilien Boas Férias
Catalan Felices vacances
Français Bonnes vacances
Grec Καλές διακοπές
Japonais よい休暇を
Finnois Hyvää lomaa
Suédois Ha en trevlig semester
Lituanien Gražių atostogų, iki pasimatymo!
25Langue de départ25
Anglais ''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule...
'''Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') is a molecule produced in the developing [[embryo]] and [[fetus]]. Blood tests to measure AFP have two main applications: (1) in pregnant women, as a screening test for some kinds of [[congenital malformation]] and (2) in adults and children, as a [[tumor marker]] for some kinds of [[tumor]].
''', [[, and ]] are Wikipedia codes; please leave them in.

Traductions terminées
Italien L' '''Alfa-feto proteina''' ('''AFP''') e' una molecola...
Portuguais brésilien Alfa-fetoproteína ("AFP")
Chinois traditionnel 甲種胎儿球蛋白
Grec "Φεροπρωτεϊνη-άλφα" ("ΦΠ-Α") είναι ένα μόριο...
Finnois '''Alfa-fetoproteiini''' ('''AFP''') on molekyyli...
Russe ''Альфа-фетопротеин'''('''АФП''') - это молекула...
Hongrois Az 'Alpha-fetoprotein''' ('''AFP''') egy molekula...
Arabe '' ألفا فيتوبروتيين ''' (''' أ ف ب ''') إنّه الجزيئ...
Suédois “Alfa-feto protein” (“AFP”) är en molekyl…
Coréen '''알파-태아단백질''' ('''AFP''')은 [[태아]]와 [[ë°°]]ê°€ 자라는 과정 중에 생성되어지는 미분자이다.
Japonais '''アルファフェトたん白質'''('''AFP''')は…
Langue de départ
Turc olm noluyo len kafam karisti kanka...
olm noluyo len

kafam karisti

kanka inglzce vrmi

olm heyecanli ne demekti len

unutmususm ingilizceyi aq

ss çagri

hehe sözlükten baktin di mi

ne bilim aq

anla iste

in esjim academy ok

çagri hadi kdum
Måste få hjälp fort med detta! Tacksam för svar!!!!

Traductions terminées
Anglais What's going on?
Suédois Vad händer?
Langue de départ
Allemand schauma anti haarbruch spûlung reichhaltige...
schauma anti haarbruch spûlung reichhaltige aufleaupflege fûr strapaziertes splissanfälliges haar

Traductions terminées
Suédois Mousserande hÃ¥rvÃ¥rdande balsam...
Langue de départ
Anglais Words unspoken

It's not that hard, just walk away
There's gotta be a different meaning

You came to me with words unspoken
I can't deny it, that I knew my glass would end up broken
(and that's how you got me)
I blame myself for being stupid
But I can't help it, yet I'm eating right out of your hand
(and that's how you got me)
Now's the time for my confession
Cause I can't take it, that you always be and always will be
Under my skin

Traductions terminées
Suédois Osagda ord
Langue de départ
Anglais She walks in beauty, like the night Of cloudless...
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's bestof dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to guady day denies.
One shade the more, one ray the less,
Had half impair'd the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
Or soflty lightens o'er her face;
Where thoughts serenly sweet express
How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.
en gammal dikt som jag har svårt att tyda. svåra ord och gammeldags språk och poetisk..

Traductions terminées
Suédois Hon vandrar i skönhet
Langue de départ
Anglais We love you Grandpa
We love you Grandpa
Grandpa just died and we'd like to know how to translate "we love you, grandpa"

Traductions terminées
Suédois vi älskar..
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