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ترجمة - دانمركي -تركي - Hej yakup.

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: دانمركي تركي

صنف جملة

Hej yakup.
إقترحت من طرف dinadina
لغة مصدر: دانمركي

Hej hvordan går det i tyrkiet? Jeg har virkelig savnet jer allesammen fra hotellet, især dig Yakup. Jeg har noget godt at fortælle så jeg håber på at få en tilbagemelding. Undskyld jeg ikke har skrevet til dig i et helt år, jeg har haft så travlt.

Selam Yakup

ترجمت من طرف TurKiSH-DeLiGhT
لغة الهدف: تركي

Selam nasil gidiyor Türkiye'de? Oteldeki herkesi cok özledim, ama en cok Yakup'u. Iyi haberlerim var umarim sizden haber alirim. Özür dilerim bir sene boyunca sana yazmadigim icin, cok mesguldum.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف FIGEN KIRCI - 2 أيلول 2008 21:30

آخر رسائل


2 أيلول 2008 17:43

عدد الرسائل: 2543
Hello Anita!
This time I need your help
We have no one to vote here and that translation is waiting for long time.
Could you please give me an English bridge here?
Thanks in advance!

CC: Anita_Luciano

2 أيلول 2008 17:59

عدد الرسائل: 1670
Of course, any time you need my help, just write :-)

Here´s the English bridge:

Hello, how are things in Turkia? I have really missed all of you from the hotel, especially you, Yakup. I have something good to tell you, so I hope to get a reply. I´m sorry that I haven´t written to you for a whole year, I have been so busy.

2 أيلول 2008 18:23

عدد الرسائل: 2543
Thank you SO much Anita!
Actually, I'm gona to write to you again,becouse I've one more translation to ask for!
See you soon