Ich bin vom 7.7.-11.7.nicht im Büro. Meine Vertretung im Bauamt ist Elisabeth Mühlbacher. In Sachen Musikakademie, Blasmusikwettbewerb und EMP-Symposium bin ich über Handy 0676 / 702 31 78 oder unter uli.baumgartner@aon.at erreichbar. Uli Baumgartner
I'll be out of office from July 7th to July 11th. My replacement in the construction office is Elisabeth Mühlbacher. Regarding music academy, brass-band contest and "EMP"-symposium please contact me either by phone 0676/702 31 67 (mobil) or by e-mail: uli.baumgartner@aon.at Uli Baumgartner
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف lilian canale - 10 تموز 2008 18:07
Not much to add, but better to say : "I'll be out of the office as from July 7th up until July 11th. My backup at the construction office is Elisabeth Mühlbacher.
The rest is OK.