Ti tako lepo izgledaš, pa ako se još zaljubiš u mene i pri tome budeš veoma uporna, ja neću imati kud, ja ću morati da popustim
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
Before edit : "ti tako lepo izgledas pa ako se jos zaljubis u mene i pri tome budes veoma uporna ja necu imati kud ja cu morati da popustim" <edit> </edit> (09/18/francky, thanks to Marija who provided us with a properly typed version.)
You look so beautiful and if, moreover, you fall in love with me and at the same time, you are very persistent, I will have no other way, I'll have to yield.
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
I'm not sure if "yield" is the right word. He wanted to say he would have to stop resisting.
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف lilian canale - 30 أيلول 2010 11:48
"Give up" or "surrender" would maybe fit if this request was a "meaning only".
I don't know how to explain "popustiti"... maybe reduce the level of resistance.
What do you think about "yield"? Does it fit my explanation? Can I leave it like this?
Maybe Lein could help us with this. I think Dutch term is "toegeven".