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96 원문 언어 이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. "يا مسبب الاسباب يا Øلال المشاكل يا ... "يا مسبب الأسباب يا Øلَال المشكلات يا شاÙÙŠ الأمراض"
یے وظیÙÛ Ø¹Ø´Ø§ Ú©ÛŒ نماز Ú©Û’ بعد 5 سو ورتبا پڈھنا ÛÛ’ اور
Before edit, text was in Latin characters : "Ya musbebal asbab ya helal mushklal ya shafi yl amraz". Ye wazifa esha ki namaz k bad 5 so mdrtba Perna he aur nenge.....
Note : part between quotation marks (in the text frame as well as the one above in he remarks field) is some prayer in Arabic.
완성된 번역물 Ya musbebal asbab | |
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71 원문 언어 이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. yalcin ya sen neden benle uqrasıyon ??? hep neden mesaj atıyon oqremebılırmıyom ??? deyıl kı 완성된 번역물 Why Защо | |
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210 원문 언어 이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. argissime dr prophetia ispirato divina occulta... Largissime dr prophetia ispiratio divina occulta denuncians, et hoc mo prophetia no magis de pteritis , q. de psentibus, et de futuris est, cu utraq; possint esse abscodita, et a Deo revelata: et sic historia creationis, q. Moyses scripsit in Genesi. This passage is difficult for me to decipher b/c the author abbreviates many of the words. My impression is that he means to say something like: the greatest level of prophecy is knowledge of hidden facts, whether of the past, the present or the future, facts that are knowable only through divine revelation.
futurities --> futuris /wrong deciphered from he original/ <edited by Aneta B.> 완성된 번역물 Prophecy | |
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85 원문 언어 이 번역의 "의미" 번역만을 요구합니다. ΕΛΕΟΣ ΠΙΑΑΑ Λοιπόν επειδή δεν γουστάÏω να ξυπνάω μÎσα στη νÏχτα και να δίνω εξηγήσεις δεν ξαναγÏάφω τίποτα!!ΕΛΕΟΣ ΠΙΑΑΑ" Before edit: "Loipon epeidh de goustarw na xipnaw mesa sth nyxta kai na dinw exhghseis, de xanagrafw tpt!! ELEOS PIAAA" 완성된 번역물 That's enough! prevod sa engleskog | |
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