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333번역 - 영어-핀란드어 - The most beautiful dream I've ever had ...

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The most beautiful dream I've ever had ...
emre87에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어 kafetzou에 의해서 번역되어짐

The most beautiful dream I have ever had is the one with you in it, the deepest love I have ever felt is your creation! The most beautiful world I have ever seen is your eyes, and the most beautiful vision I have ever had is you!

Kaikkein kaunein unelma minulla on..

itsatrap100에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 핀란드어

Kaikkein kaunein koskaan näkemäni uni on se, missä sinä olet mukana, syvin koskaan tuntemani rakkaus on sinun luomasi! Kaikkein kaunein koskaan näkemäni maailma on sinun silmäsi, ja sinä olet kaikkein kaunein koskaan näkemäni näky!
Maribel에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 1월 19일 13:23

마지막 글


2008년 12월 22일 14:11

게시물 갯수: 871
Tämä on paljon parempi.

Nopeasti luettuna seuraavat kohdat erityisesti häiritsivät
-unelma > uni
-luomastasi > luomaasi (verbistä), luomuksesi (substantiivista), ehkä vielä lisäisin "sinun"
-ilmestys > näky

Lisäksi miettisin joka/mikä -sanojen käyttöä sekä se-sanan tarvetta eka rivin 9. ja 10. sanan väliin.

2008년 12월 26일 14:40

게시물 갯수: 75
....uni, joka minulla on koskaan ollut, on se missä sinä olet mukana.

2008년 12월 30일 14:56

게시물 갯수: 871
Mahtaisiko tästä tulla parempi, jos käyttäisi olla-verbin sijasta nähdä-verbiä? Suomeksihan nähdään unia ja näkyjä... Hmm, johtaa toistoon, mutta kumpi onpi parempi?

Yritän kuitenkin korjata pronomineja ensin, katsotaan, miltä se sitten näyttää.

2009년 1월 7일 15:08

게시물 갯수: 28
The Finnish translation follows quite closely the English one. I don't know Turkish but it seems that the text here uses more compact expressions (i.e. fewer words) than English, and similar grammatical structures could be used also in Finnish maybe. For example, I believe that 'en guzel' means 'that I have seen' which could be written 'näkemäni' in Finnish instead of 'jonka olen nähnyt'.

2009년 1월 10일 16:07

게시물 갯수: 279
Changed to newspaper style embedded clauses.

2009년 1월 19일 13:19

게시물 갯수: 871
Now I think we have reached a good text. People are often afraid of changing phrase structure when translating. Using compact style if more "finnish" than several short relative clauses.

I changed "luomuksesi" to "luomasi" (with one "a" because luomus has also a connotation of being pretended or fake. Using verb based expression I feel it means that you really have created the feeling. Also added "sinun" with silmäsi because it emphasizes "you" and in my opinion suits well here. (Quite the contrary that I normally do in Cucumis when I take pronouns away because suffix already tell the same story. In a normal phrase extra pronoun is too much, but different here.) Also punctuation changed to fit this new structure.