Tu ai plecat, dar poza ta În casa mă va aştepta. De câte ori îmi va fi dor, Ea îmi va zâmbi din dormitor, Acolo unde tu şi eu Ne povesteam totul mereu.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
This song dedicated me my boyfriend.. i would to know what is about... please help me:)
You left, but your picture Will wait for me at home. Every time I'll miss you, It will smile at me from the bedroom, There where you and I Used to tell each other everything.
kafetzou에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 12월 2일 04:42
What rakosistefania has written means: "You have not used the verb tenses properly." I strongly disagree. The tenses in the English translation correspond exact to the one one from the Romanian text.
And, by the way, rakosistefania - as neither us or the English expert knows Hungarian, you should try to use English, for example, next time when you vote for a translation and you want to explain why. Or Romanian, because it is stated in your language list.