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172Translation - Engels-Pools - I love you not for whom you are ,but who I am by...

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This text is available in the following languages: EngelsArabiesSpaansGrieksPoolsSerwiesFransDuitsKoerdiesDeensTurksBrasiliaanse PortugeesBulgaarsRussiesItaliaans

Category Expression

This translation request is "Meaning only".
I love you not for whom you are ,but who I am by...
Submitted by rzechu
Source language: Engels

I love you not for whom you are ,but who I am by your side

Kocham CiÄ™, nie za to kim jesteÅ›, ale za to kim jestem..

Translated by rzechu
Target language: Pools

Kocham CiÄ™, nie za to kim jesteÅ›, ale za to kim jestem przy Tobie.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur bonta - 10 August 2007 23:30