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Translation - French-Latin - Seigneur, je ne suis pas digne de te ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: FrenchLatin

Šis tulkojums pieprasa tikai nozīmi.
Seigneur, je ne suis pas digne de te ...
Submitted by Tomas Amorim
Source language: French

Seigneur, je ne suis pas digne de te recevoir chez moi, mais dis seulement une parole et je serai sauf.

Domine, non sum dignus ut intres sub tectum meum...

Translated by Aneta B.
Target language: Latin

Domine, non sum dignus te accipere sub tectum meum, sed dic tantum verbum unum et salvabor.
Remarks about the translation
Bridge by gamine:

Lord I'm not worth to/worthy of receive you in my home, but say only one word and I will be safe.
Validated by Efylove - 5 November 2009 19:48