If you prefer to express the Antezedens of *quae* you could write "die folgenden Verse einfügen "or "die folgenden Zeilen einfügen" though personally I don't think that makes it any better.
If one sticks to the elision one should perhaps mention that present day German "officialese" (except in Bavaria and NRW) uses upper case for *Folgendes* whereas most private indivuduals as well as the media continue to write *folgendes*.
1.imho *folgendes* means the same as *die Dinge die folgen*, of which it is an elliptic form.
2.I have translated from the Latin original, not from English.
3.The Latin text says *quae sequuntur* which is an ellipse for *verba quae sequuntur*
Ergo ...