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Translation - Italian-Polish - ciao picccola ciciotella ...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: ItalianPolishBulgarian

Category Colloquial

This translation request is "Meaning only".
ciao picccola ciciotella ...
Submitted by Monia
Source language: Italian

ciao picccola ciciotella pattatina fai qual cosa con questo senza senso soriso e con questo stupido sguardo perche sulle foto fai schifo felico anno nuovo

Cześć moja mała chrupeczko robisz ...

Translated by jozefina
Target language: Polish

Cześć moja mała chrupeczko robisz te rzeczy bez żadnego sensu, uśmiechu i z tym głupim spojrzeniem. Na zdjęciach wyglądasz beznadziejnie. Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku.
Validated by Edyta223 - 23 September 2008 09:43

Last messages


17 September 2008 23:24

Number of messages: 787
Hi Witchy!
Can you help me and translate this text to English?
Tank you!

CC: Witchy

18 September 2008 00:13

Number of messages: 12396
Hello Edyta, Witchy didn't log since December 2007, we will ask ali84 and/or Xini, or Ricciodimare who were logged in more recently.

Please Xini, Ricciodimare or ali84, could you have a look and give a bridge to Edyta for evaluation?
Thanks a lot!

CC: Edyta223 ali84 Ricciodimare Xini

18 September 2008 13:54

Number of messages: 427
Better like this: ciao piccola cicciotella patatina, fai qualcosa per questo sorriso senza senso e per questo stupido sguardo perchè nelle foto fai schifo. felice anno nuovo.

hi tiny fatty cutie (lit. "potato chip", do something for this meaningless smile and this stupid look because you suck on pictures. happy new year.

CC: Edyta223

22 September 2008 11:29

Number of messages: 787
Than you ali84 !

22 September 2008 11:36

Number of messages: 787
Cześc Bonta!
Co myślisz o zdaniu: Dlaczego na zdjęciach robisz obrzydliwe rzeczy? Można to uznac?

CC: bonta

22 September 2008 20:05

Number of messages: 218
Czesc Edyta!

Moim zdaniem, znaczenie slow "you suck on pictures" nie jest to znaczenie ktore moze przyjsc do glowy...

To po prostu znaczy, "jestes beznadziejna na zdjeciach"

W tym sensie mozna znacznie latwiej zrozumiec caly tekst.

23 September 2008 09:39

Number of messages: 787
Dzięki Bonta