J'ai recu ce contrat d'embauche, et j'aimerais savoir urgemment s'il y a une clause de sortie, ou pour combien de temps je m'engage à rester dans l'entreprise. Merci...
Further more, the emploee obligates that within 24 months after...
Furthermore, the employee agrees that for 24 months after the termination of his employment with the company, he is legally bound to neither contact nor enter into a business relationship of any kind, with any person or entity that was a client of the company at the time the employee left his job.
Original form of translation:
Further more, the emploee obligates that within 24 months after his employing in the company, he will not adress and\or be in a business relationship of any kind, with any person or body, that was a client of the company at the time the emploee left his job.