Me gustas cuando callas porque estàs como ausente Y me oyes desde lejos y mi voz no te toca parece que los ojos se te hubieran volado y parece que un beso te cerrara la boca
Poznámky k prekladu
esto va escrito de una mujer hacia un hombre, aunque originariamente el poema es escrito de un hombre a una mujer.
I like you when silent for you seem to be absent And you hear me far away and my voice can't touch you I feel your eyes had flown away and I feel a kiss closed your mouth.
Poznámky k prekladu
Wonderful "Poema 15" by Chilean writer Pablo Neruda.
I tried to keep the same lenght for the lines, therefore I had to use some poetic licence. (Sorry, Neruda.)
Nakoniec potvrdené alebo vydané Francky5591 - 18 mája 2008 23:39
Imi place cand taci pentru ca esti casi apsenta.
Si ma auzi de departe si vocea mea nu te atinge.
Pare ca ochii tai nu mai erxista.
Si pare ca un sarut iti inchide gura
I think it's better in this way: "It pleases me your silence because it is as though you are absent, and you hear me from afar, and my voice can't touch you. It seems that your eyes had flown, and that a kiss had closed your mouth."