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Tłumaczenie - Rumuński-Angielski - JUDEÅ¢UL SÄ‚LAJ Prezentarea judeÅ£ului Situat...

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Ten tekst jest dostępny w następujęcych językach: RumuńskiAngielski

Kategoria Esej - Biznes / Praca

Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
JUDEŢUL SĂLAJ Prezentarea judeţului Situat...
Wprowadzone przez dalia_ramo
Język źródłowy: Rumuński


Prezentarea judeţului
Situat în partea de nord-vest a ţării, între Carpaţii Occidentali şi cei Orientali, Sălajul a avut un trecut istoric extrem de agitat în calitate de judeţ de graniţă. A fost traversat de armate dinspre vest spre est şi viceversa, aici au staţionat trupe militare, au avut loc bătălii, populaţia a fost prădată de tătari şi de turci, şi a fost printre primele teritorii intrate în stăpânirea coroanei ungare, cu toate consecinţele pentru locuitori.

Salaj County, Presentation of the County

Tłumaczone przez Oana F.
Język docelowy: Angielski

Salaj County

Presentation of the County

Situated in the north-western part of the country, between Occidental and Oriental Carpathian Mountains, Salaj had an extremly restless history as it is a border county. It was crossed by armies from west to east and vice-versa. Military troops stopped here, battles took place, the population was plundered by Tartariens and Turks. It was among the first territories to come under the rule of Hungarian Crown, which had certain consequences for the inhabitants.
Ostatnio zatwierdzony albo edytowany przez dramati - 5 Kwiecień 2008 19:20

Ostatni Post


3 Kwiecień 2008 20:08

lilian canale
Liczba postów: 14972
Hi Oana F,

...the population was plundered by Tartariens and Turks. It was one of the first territories to come under the rule of Hungarian Crown, with all the consequences for the inhabitants.

something seems to be missing in the last adjective for "consequences" maybe.

4 Kwiecień 2008 09:36

Oana F.
Liczba postów: 388
right, I translated as it is in Romanian, but you are right, I should add something