Bin ein Mann und will euch nicht sagen wie ich heiße, aber auf Partys nennen sie mich "the boss Rudi". Brcko ist die Stadt, in der ich lebe und natürlich - PARTY!
Was die Beziehung angeht, weder noch.
Dernière édition ou validation par iamfromaustria - 21 Juillet 2008 19:06
As there are not many people speaking Bosnian, the poll doesn't help me much. Could you please bridge me this translation so I will be able to evaluate it (finally)?
I am a male and I do not want to tell you myname, but they call me thebossrudi ( the boss rudi) at the party. Brcko is a city where I live and of course - PARTY!
As far as ( having a) relationship, either or. (meaning- not sure what to tell you; or nothing stable..)