Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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13Lingua originale13
Inglese Carefully-appearance-punctuation
I've done this translation <b>very carefully</b>, taking care of the <b>sense</b> as well as the <b>appearance and the punctuation</b>.

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Cuidadosamente apariencia-puntuación
Olandese Zorgvuldig</b>-<b>uiterlijk-interpunctie</b>
Portoghese brasiliano Cuidadosamente-aparência-pontuação
Portoghese cuidado - aparência - pontuação
Tedesco Sorgfältig-Erscheinungsbild-Zeichensetzung
Turco Dikkatli bir şekilde-görünüşü-noktalama
Arabo بعناية-ظهور-ترقين
Italiano Attentamente-aspetto-punteggiatura
Catalano Amb cura-aparença-puntuació
Russo Внимательно-стиль-пунктуация
Svedese Omsorgsfullt-uppenbarelse-punktering
Giapponese 注意-文体-文法
Rumeno Atenţie-aspect-punctuaţie
Bulgaro Внимателно-вид-пунктуация
Ebraico זהירות-תצוגה-הופעה
Cinese semplificato 特别注意格式和标点
Greco Προσεχτικά-εμφάνιση-στίξη
Esperanto AntaÅ­zorgege-aspekto-interpunkcio
Serbo Pazljivo-izgled-interpunkcija
Polacco Ostrożność-składnia-interpunkcja
Danese Omhyggelig-udseende-tegnsætning
Albanese Me kujdes - paraqitje - shenja pikësimi
Finlandese Huolellisesti-ilmiasu-välimerkkienkäyttö
Inglese Carefully</b>-<b>meaning</b>-punctuation</b>
Norvegese Forsiktig</b>-<b> betydning</b>-tegnsettingen</b>
Coreano 주의깊게</b>-<b>의미</b>-구두법</b>
Ceco Pečlivě </b>-význam</b>-interpunkci</b>
Persiano با دقت-معنی-نشانه گذاری
Curdo Bi awayî baldar -dîmena wî-xalbendî
Slovacco Starostlivo-forma-interpunkcia
Hindi सावधानीपूर्वक-उपस्थापना-विराम चिह्न
Afrikaans Sorgsaamheid-betekenis-punktuasie
Vietnamita Tôi đã làm dịch này rất cẩn thận, đã được chính xác nội dung cũng như tìm kiếm và dấu chấm câu.
Lingua originale
Inglese Translate-language-fluently
Only translate into your native language or a language you can speak fluently

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Traduzca idioma fluidamente
Tedesco Übersetzen-Sprache-flüssig
Olandese Vertaal-taal-vloeiend
Portoghese brasiliano Traduz-idioma-fluentemente
Portoghese Traduz - língua - fluentemente
Arabo ترجم-لغة-طلاقة
Italiano Traduci solo nella tua madrelingua o in una lingua che parli correntemente
Catalano Traduïu-idioma-fluidament
Ebraico תרגם-שפה-שוטף
Russo переводить-язык-свободно
Svedese Översätt-språk-flytande
Rumeno Traduceţi-limbă-fluent
Giapponese あなたの母国語もしくは流暢に話せる言語にのみ翻訳してください
Bulgaro Превеждай-езика-гладко
Albanese Perktheni-në gjuhë-rrjedhshëm
Cinese semplificato 流利地翻译外语
Turco Çevirmek-dil-akıcı
Greco Μετάφραση-γλώσσα-ευχέρεια
Esperanto Traduki-lingvo-flue
Hindi अनुवाद–भाषा–फ़र्राटे
Serbo Prevod - jezik - tecno
Polacco Tłumaczenie-język-biegłość
Danese Oversæt-sprog-flydende
Finlandese Käännä
Ceco Překlad-v rodném-jazyve
Norvegese Oversette-språk-flytende
Coreano 번역하다-언어-유창하게
Persiano ترجمه-زبان-روان
Ucraino перекладайте - мова - вільно володіти.
Curdo Wergerandin-ziman-herikbar
Slovacco Prekladaj-reč-plynule
Afrikaans Vertaal-taal-vlot
Vietnamita Chỉ vào dịch tiếng bản ngữ
13Lingua originale13
Inglese Confirm-guidelines-website
You must check all the fields to confirm that you accept to follow the guidelines of this website

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Confirmar reglas sitio web
Olandese Bevestig-richtlijnen-website
Portoghese brasiliano Confirmar-diretrizes-website
Portoghese Confirme - condições - site da web
Tedesco Bestätigen-Richtlinien-Website
Arabo تأكّد-تعليمات-موقع الويب
Italiano Conferma-regole-sito web
Catalano Confirmeu-normes-lloc web
Ebraico אשר-קווים מנחים-אתר
Russo Подтвердить-правила-веб-сайт
Svedese Bekräfta-villkoren-hemsida
Rumeno Confirmare-cerinţe-website
Albanese Udhëzimet për konfirmim
Bulgaro Потвърждение-правила-уеб сайт
Turco Onay-esas noktalar-website
Greco Επιβεβαίωση-οδηγίες-σελίδα
Esperanto agnoski-regularo-retpaĝaro
Cinese semplificato 确认-指导原则-网站
Serbo Potvrditi - smernice-websajt
Polacco Zaakceptuj regulamin strony
Danese Check-retningslinier-websted
Finlandese Vahvista-ohjeet-sivusto
Giapponese ウェブサイトの指針の確認
Inglese Confirm-guidelines-website
Francese Confirme-ligne de conduite-site
Norvegese Bekrefte-rettningslinier-webside
Coreano 확인하다-지침-웹사이트
Ceco Potvrzení-pravidel-této-stránky
Persiano تایید-راهنما-وب سایت
Curdo pejirandin-xalên serekîn-malper
Slovacco Potvrdenie pravidiel stránky
Afrikaans Jy moet...
Croato Potvrdi-smjernice-web stranice
Hindi निश्चित-निर्देशों-वेबसाइट
Vietnamita Bạn phải kiểm tra
Lingua originale
Inglese Translations - Voluntary administrators
I'm aware that when submitting <b>quick and incorrect translations</b>, like for example those provided by automatic translation tools, <b>I don't earn any point</b>, <b>voluntary</b> experts and administrators of this website <b>waste their time</b> and <b>my account might be closed</b>.

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Traducciones voluntarios administradores
Olandese Vertalingen</b>-<b>vrijwillige</b>-administrators
Portoghese brasiliano Traduções</b>-<b>voluntários</b>-administradores
Portoghese Traduções - voluntários - administradores
Tedesco Ãœbersetzungen-Administratoren
Arabo ترجمات- مدراء موقع متطوعون
Italiano Traduzioni - Amministratori Volontari
Catalano Traduccions - Administradors voluntaris
Russo Переводы-добровольные администраторы
Svedese Översättningar - frivilliga administratörer
Giapponese 翻訳-管理人ボランティア
Rumeno Traduceri - Administratori voluntari
Ebraico עריכה-תרגומים-מנהלים בהתנדבות
Bulgaro преводи-доброволни администратори
Cinese semplificato 翻译-志愿管理员
Turco Tercümeler - Gönüllü Yöneticiler
Greco Μεταφράσεις-Εθελοντές διαχειριστές
Esperanto Tradukoj - Volontaj administrantoj
Serbo Prevodi - administratori volonteri
Polacco TÅ‚umaczenia - administratorzy-ochotnicy.
Danese Oversættelser - frivillige administratorer
Albanese Perkthime - Administratore vullnetare
Finlandese Käännökset - Vapaaehtoiset hallinnoijat
Norvegese Oversettelser- frivillige administratører
Coreano 번역물들-자발적인 관리자들
Ceco Překlady-Dobrovolní administrátoři
Persiano ترجمه ها-مدیران داوطلب
Curdo Wergeran-Rêvebirên Dildar
Slovacco Preklady-administrátori
Afrikaans Vertalings - Vrywillige administrateurs
Hindi अनुवाद-अवैतनिक-प्रशासक
Vietnamita Tôi biết rằng
Lingua originale
Inglese what happend?
Did she do anything wrong to you? I know she can be little difficult, but its never her intention to be. But like i told u, i will swear it, and allah will be my witness.

Traduzioni completate
Turco Ne oldu?
Lingua originale
Turco anlamadim..
Sana ne oldu? onunla konusmadım, sizin ikinize ne oldugunu bilmiyorum! tekrar ayrıldınız, ayrılmadan öncemiydi?* Butun Kuran'ın uzerine yemin ediyorum ve sana soz veriyorum ona soylemeyecegim! benim aileme karsı cok iyi davranmıstı ve ismail onun ailesine*
Ama senin mailini okuyunca onun icin endislendim. telefonu dısarda, o yuzden ona soramıyorum. bunu senden ogrenmek isterim, senin onu ve onun seni sevdigini biliyorum, oyleyse size ne oldu?
umarım bir degisiklik olur ve siz ikiniz bunu yurutebilirsiniz

sevgiler ve saygýlarýmla

Traduzioni completate
Olandese ik begreep het niet
Inglese I don't understand..
Lingua originale
Inglese Submitted-following-language
The text I've just submitted is written in the following language: %l
keep %l in your translation as it is a variable for a language name

Traduzioni completate
Spagnolo Introducido en el siguiente lenguaje
Olandese Toegevoegde-volgen-taal
Portoghese brasiliano Enviou-seguinte-idioma
Portoghese Submeter--seguinte-idioma
Turco Teslim edildi-aşağıdaki-dil
Tedesco Ãœbermittelt-folgende-Sprache
Arabo قدّمته-لغة-تالية
Italiano Presentato il seguente linguaggio
Ebraico הוגש-באה-שפה
Russo Предложен-следующий-язык
Svedese Skickat - följande - språk
Giapponese 投稿したテキストの言語
Rumeno Următoarea-limbă-introducere
Catalano introduït en la següent llengua
Cinese semplificato 以下列语言提交
Bulgaro Submitted-following-language
Greco κείμενο -παρακάτω γλώσσα
Esperanto submetita-sekvanta-lingvo
Serbo Predati - sledeci - jezik
Polacco Wysłany-następujący-język
Danese Afsendt-sprog
Albanese Është vendosur- në gjuhën- në vijim
Finlandese Lähetty-seuraavalla-kielellä
Norvegese Innleverte-følgende-språk
Coreano 올린-아래의-언어
Ceco Zadáno-následujícím-jazykem
Persiano پیشنهاد شده-در زیر-زبان
Curdo Radestkirin-yê jêrê-ziman
Francese Le texte que je viens de transmettre est écrit dans la langue suivante
Slovacco Pridané-nasledujúce-reč(jazyk)
Afrikaans Die teks...
Hindi प्रस्तुत-निम्नलिखित भाषा
Vietnamita Tôi đã gửi các văn bản viết bằng những ngôn ngữ sau đây
13Lingua originale13
Inglese Characters-plausible-translation
Before accepting a translation, check that there aren't any comments or multiple translation choices in the main translation as it would corrupt the [1]ratio between the numbers of characters by language[/1]. If needed, edit and move the comments or the less plausible translation choices into the "%s" field of the form.
%s is the name of a form field. [1] and [/1] must surround the translated text, they will be replaced by a link. Field is in the context of text box, input box for an html form.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Certifique-se-comentários-alternativas
Olandese Verhoudingen-opmerkingen-geloofwaardige
Turco Olmadığını-seçeneklerini-taşıyınız
Italiano Principale-danneggiare-traduttive
Esperanto Proporcion-transprenu-kredeblajn
Catalano Significacions-comentaris-traducció
Tedesco Buchstaben-plausibel-Ãœbersetzung
Svedese Bokstav-trolig-översättning
Spagnolo Traducción plausible de caracteres
Arabo حروف-ترجمة-معقولة
Russo Знаки-возможный-перевод
Rumeno Caractere-traducere-plauzibilă
Ebraico תווים-סביר-תרגום
Bulgaro Знаци,възможен превод
Greco Χαρακτήρες-πιθανή-μετάφραση
Serbo Karakteri-verodostojan-prevod
Danese Tegn-alternative-oversættelser
Finlandese kirjaimet-uskottava-kääntäminen
Giapponese 文字、妥当な翻訳
Cinese semplificato 字符-似是而非-翻译
Albanese karekter-i mundshem-perkthimi
Polacco Znaki - wiarygodne - tłumaczenie
Norvegese Bokstaver-mulige-multiple
Coreano 문자들-적은-번역물
Ceco Znaků-pravděpodobné-překladu
Persiano حروف-پذیرفتنی-ترجمه
Slovacco Pomery-poznámky-vierohodné
Afrikaans Karakters-aanneembaar-vertaling
Hindi अक्षरों-संभाव्य-अनुवाद
Vietnamita Trước khi bạn
Lingua originale
Inglese Blog site
Get your own free weblog.
With your new blog you will have your own web space, very easy to use, where, among other things, you can easily express your opinions, keep in touch with your friends and family, tell the world those travel stories, post news, interact with other members, organise,
touch up and post your pictures in albums... easy and completely free.
Imagine what you can do with your new blog!
In just two easy steps you will be publishing to your very own blog.
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Post your ideas, thoughts, opinions, stories, anecdotes...
Share your pics, photos, touch them up, create online albums...
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With comments, you will learn the others thoughts and feedback.
Post your ideas to your new free blog.
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Register here to get your free blog.
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Thank you for choosing to blog with us.
In the next steps we will ask a few questions about you and how you would like your new blog.
Once you have completed the mandatory fields in your profile, you can start posting easily to your new blog.
The whole process should only take a couple of minutes.
Your username will also be part of the URL of your new blog.
You can change it later from your account.

Case you hadn´t noticed, this text is for a blogs site. ;)

Traduzioni completate
Francese Blog
Lingua originale
Turco guzelim
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese meu bonito
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