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Originalan tekst - Francuski - La religion est-elle pour vous

Trenutni statusOriginalan tekst
Ovaj tekst je dostupan u sljedećim jezicima: FrancuskiArapski

La religion est-elle pour vous
Tekst kojeg treba prevesti
Poslao hello
Izvorni jezik: Francuski

La religion est-elle pour vous
Primjedbe o prijevodu
تتكلم عن شي في الدين
it's about something in religion
Posljednji uredio cucumis - 7 siječanj 2006 16:41

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7 siječanj 2006 16:43

Broj poruka: 3785
Translating word by word it means "Is the religion for you?". I don't know what it really means...

7 siječanj 2006 23:47

Broj poruka: 11
Actually, word by word, and adding some punctuation, the translation may be "Religion: is it for you?". This would be a typical title for an article discussing the pros and cons of religion, for example. But then, as usual, only the originator can tell us if this is indeed the intended meaning