Cucumis - خدمة الترجمة المجانية على الخط
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ترجمة - انجليزي-برتغاليّ - the well being and best interests of the client...

حالة جاريةترجمة
هذا النص متوفر في اللغات التالية: انجليزيبرتغاليّ

صنف رياضات

the well being and best interests of the client...
إقترحت من طرف barbosarui
لغة مصدر: انجليزي

the well being and best interests of the client always come first

our clients receive our undivided loyalty , uncompromised by conflicts of interest

we uphold absolute respect for the privacy of our clients

we always treat one another with respect and are open and honest with one another

only the highest levels of ethics will be acceptable in fulfilling our mission

our people are our most important asset

statement core vaalues

O bem-estar e as prioridades do cliente...

ترجمت من طرف jasa611
لغة الهدف: برتغاليّ

O bem estar e o melhor interesse do cliente vêm sempre em primeiro lugar

Aos nossos clientes é garantida uma lealdade total, sem serem envolvidos em conflitos de interesses

nós priorizamos absoluto respeito pela privacidade de nossos clientes

a nossa relação será aberta e sincera e terá sempre um tratamento de respeito mútuo

no cumprimento da nossa missão só aceitaremos os padrões éticos mais elevados

os nossos colaboradores são o nosso mais valioso recurso

valores centrais estabelecidos
ملاحظات حول الترجمة
Some sentences are translated as idiomatic meaning and not by meaning of word. So, if the context of this document is not well explained there might be some misunderstanding
آخر تصديق أو تحرير من طرف Borges - 16 نيسان 2007 04:00

آخر رسائل


15 نيسان 2007 22:36

عدد الرسائل: 7963
What's going on with this one?

15 نيسان 2007 23:21

عدد الرسائل: 2
I don't know whatyou mean... I got this ask of translation and I translated it; now I madea review on my own translation text.

15 نيسان 2007 23:29

عدد الرسائل: 7963
Sorry, jasa611 - that message was for the Portuguese experts, who still haven't evaluated it.

15 نيسان 2007 23:53

casper tavernello
عدد الرسائل: 5057
I think that 'suportamos' a little hard for a text like this (not wrong)
It could be: mantemos o completo respeito pela privacidade...
And:...conflitos de nossos interesses...


17 نيسان 2007 13:28

عدد الرسائل: 2
Concordo (I agree with the changes)