S. C. falan fıstık boş bunlar..elmalı bacardi var mı yok mu. okan ve cengizde gelir bi derbi maçı izleriz ..silvija ve christianada gelsin ama. tamamdır ölee yapalım artık.
S.C., etc. are nothing. Do you or don't you have Bacardi with apple? Okan and Cengiz could also come and we'll watch a derby match. But Silvija and Christiana should come too. OK, let's do it like this.
이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Whew! These colloquial speeches are tough to translate...
- By "bacardi with apple" I think the original text is referring to "Bacardi® Big Apple rum"?
- I was not quite sure what "derbi maçı" refers to. If it is not soccer, then perhaps using the word "game" rather than "match" may be more appropriate.
Ahmet Toprak
Chantal에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2009년 7월 16일 13:23