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napis w absydzie kościoła
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ewamonika에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 라틴어

Ssmo Cordi Jesv Gallia Poenitens Et Devota Et Grata
2013년 9월 15일 21:51

마지막 글


2013년 9월 18일 13:39

게시물 갯수: 12396
Hi Aneta! Please could you check this text?
I've set it in stand-by as I don't know whether it abides with our rules or not.


CC: Aneta B.

2013년 9월 18일 22:47

Aneta B.
게시물 갯수: 4487
Hi Francky,
This line doesn't include any verb. It's a type of a dedicatory inscription from a church.

Ssmo= Sanctissimo (medieval abbreviation)

Ssmo Cordi Jesv Gallia Poenitens Et Devota Et Grata
= Repentant and faithful and grateful (thankful)Gallia to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

If it was up to me, I'd release the text, because in this case a dictionary wouldn't be enough to get a proper translation.

2013년 9월 19일 00:49

게시물 갯수: 12396
Thsnks for the advice Aneta, I released this text.