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20번역 - 영어-일본어 - you will allways be my love

현재 상황번역
이 본문은 다음 언어들로 가능합니다: 영어간이화된 중국어프랑스어이탈리아어일본어전통 중국어아라비아어러시아어그리스어한국어히브리어인도네시아어페르시아어힌디어

분류 표현 - 사랑 / 우정

you will allways be my love
lestat에 의해서 게시됨
원문 언어: 영어

you will allways be my love


IanMegill2에 의해서 번역되어짐
번역될 언어: 일본어

이 번역물에 관한 주의사항
Anata no koto o ei-en ni ai suru wa
I will love you forever

The way it is written above, it would be a WOMAN saying it to a MAN. If a MAN were to say it to a WOMAN, he would say the following instead:


Kimi no koto o ei-en ni ai suru yo

The meaning is literally the same, but the emphatic particle at the end is more masculine, and the word for "you" ("kimi") is the one used by men when they are speaking to women they are intimate with, not the "anata" used by women for the men they are intimate with (actually, "anata" is really only used for their husbands, for their boyfriend a woman would more naturally use the man's name or nickname, and not say "you" at all, e.g. "Tanaka-san no koto o ei-en ni ai suru wa" or "Ken-chan (no koto) o ei-en ni ai suru wa")

But Japanese people are -- how shall I say it? -- NOT given to gushing verbal displays of affection, to say the least...
Polar Bear에 의해서 마지막으로 검증 또는 수정되었습니다 - 2007년 9월 13일 22:57