maani tamo, staj se single, mn momicki ke se samoubijat posle ovoa
ljubov li beshe da ja opishesh
ajde srecno pa na svadba da ti dojdeme"</edit> (Thanks to Bamsa who set the text in stand-by, and to Liria who provided us with a version in cyrillics)
Come on, don't lie to people. Get out there, stay single, many girls will kill themselves after this. Was it love to describe? Good luck and we shall come on your wedding ceremony.
Последнее изменение было внесено пользователем lilian canale - 28 Февраль 2012 11:04
No. "After this" means "after you fell in love" or something similar... "Many girls will kill themselves" because they don't have a chance to be his girlfriend anymore.