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Translation - Brasiliaanse Portugees-Latyn - O importante é a lei de Deus

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: Brasiliaanse PortugeesLatyn

Category Sentence

O importante é a lei de Deus
Submitted by anasales
Source language: Brasiliaanse Portugees

O importante é a lei de Deus
Remarks about the translation
Minha cunhada me pediu para procurar sua tradução para o latim porque gostaria de fazer uma tatuagem. Obrigada

Lex Dei summa res est

Translated by goncin
Target language: Latyn

Lex Dei summa res est
Remarks about the translation
The most important [thing] is God's law

for the tatoo you may let out the verb "est". The sentence has the same meaning without.
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur charisgre - 19 December 2007 07:28