Iznad svega, omladina poznaje Pariz za potrebe svog slobodnog vremena. TakoÄ‘e sam Älan sportskog centra u Porte de Bagnolet gde treniram atletiku. Volim da Å¡etam i uvek sam u potrazi za svežim vazduhom.
Remarks about the translation
Thx to Alexandra! Bridge: Above all, young persons know « the Paris » of their pleasure (hobby). I’m also a member of Porte de Bagnolet ’s sports center where I practice athletics. I like stroll and i’m always in search of a little nook of pur air. (Porte de Bagnolet is a place in Paris)
Laaste geakkrediteerde redigering deur Roller-Coaster - 28 February 2008 23:02