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Translation - Dutch-English - Jouw karakter is goed, jouw verstand is prima,...

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Category Daily life - Love / Friendship

Jouw karakter is goed, jouw verstand is prima,...
Submitted by ermaal
Source language: Dutch

Je hebt een goed karakter,je hebt een groot hart, je bent intelligent en soms probeer je lief te zijn maar je kan mij niet gelukkig kan maken.Ik wil te veel,mijn fout, echt waar.
Remarks about the translation
zacht einde van een relatie

genlte ending of a relationship

Translated by Lein
Target language: English

You have a good character, you have a big heart, you are intelligent and sometimes you try to be sweet but you can’t make me happy. I want too much, it is my fault, really.
Validated by lilian canale - 21 October 2009 21:33

Last messages


19 October 2009 14:00

Number of messages: 23
karakter Nl. et character Eng. ont un sens différent. En anglais ce mot est entendu de façon courante dans le sens de personnage. En Néerlandais il est utilisé dans le sens de personnalité. Une traduction non littérale serait de remplacer “You have a good character,...”, par “You have a great personality,.../You are a nice person,...”

19 October 2009 14:07

Number of messages: 3389
I don't really agree. 'You are very nice' has a somewhat different meaning and 'personality' is not the same as character.
In English, you can say of a person that he has a good character and it will have the same meaning as the Dutch 'goed karakter'.