which would be the correct translation to> he walks among us but he is not one of us. Ambulate Inter Nos, Sed Unus Non Est Nostrum or Is inter nos ambulat, sed unus nostrum non est <edit>"Ambulate Inter Nos, Sed Unus Non Est" Nostrum with the correct sentence in Latin that is "Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]."</edit>
The correct sentence in latin would be : "Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]."
You're translation is quite clumsy, because essentially drawn from English (it would give "Go between us, but one isn't ours")
"Ambulat nobiscum, neque tamen ex nostris [est]." litterally tells : "He walks with us, though he isn't part of us, of our group." You can either put or not "est" at the end of your sentence, it can be implied.