que tudo na minha vida brilhe como os teus olhos,seja taõ maravilhoso como o teu coraçaõ,lindo como tu...se o amor que sinto por ti for um sonho,quero dormir eternamente
dass alles in meinem Leben so glänzt wie deine...
dass alles in meinem Leben so glänze wie deine Augen, so wunderbar sei wie dein Herz, so schön wie du... wenn die Liebe, die ich für dich empfinde, ein Traum ist, möchte ich ewig schlafen
wenn die Liebe, die ich für dich empfinde, ein Traum wäre, möchte ich ewig schlafen
[NB the source text is incorrect; after 'for' there should be 'queria']
I don't really agree - 'for' is not the same as 'fosse'.
Se o amor (...)fosse um sonho, queria dormir sempre (If love were a dream, I would want to sleep forever)
Se o amor for um sonho, quero dormir sempre (If love is a dream, I want to sleep forever)
See if you agree, Guido!
As for the translation: see my comments above -> is 'wäre' correct here? I think it should be 'ist' but I don't always trust my German.
Also, since the original is Portuguese from Portugal, not from Brazil, 'du' means simply 'you' and does not refer to God so Du, Dein and Deine should not be capitalised.