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Translation - Swedish-Spanish - hejsan, Nu sitter jag här i solskenet på stranden...

Current statusTranslation
This text is available in the following languages: SwedishSpanish

Category Letter / Email - Education

hejsan, Nu sitter jag här i solskenet på stranden...
Submitted by nyberg
Source language: Swedish

hejsan, Nu sitter jag här i solskenet på stranden och bara slappar

hola, Ahora estoy sentado aquí en la playa al sol y relajándome

Translated by guilon
Target language: Spanish

hola, Ahora estoy sentado aquí en la playa al sol y simplemente relajándome
Validated by guilon - 12 November 2007 00:37

Last messages


23 October 2007 01:20

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057

Olá. Agora sento eu aqui na praia, ao Sol, e relaxo.

Ou no final eu dou uma relaxada, mas fica muito informal.
CC: guilon

22 October 2007 23:35

Number of messages: 1549
Não há menção nenhuma a uma praia no texto de origem?

CC: casper tavernello

22 October 2007 23:58

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Perdão. Eu também havia esquecido do "aqui" anteriormente.
A ponte de Casper está a cair.

24 October 2007 14:33

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Se não quer a ponte pode avisar, por favor!

CC: guilon

25 October 2007 17:39

Number of messages: 2
i'm not sure about my validation, it's just that i felt maybe you should also include the word "bara"

25 October 2007 18:33

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Bara is a very swedish (maybe germanic at all) way to express.
It would be very weird (I think) to say "y solamente relajándome".
Do you have any other suggestion that matches and doesn't make it weird?

CC: ulrika

25 October 2007 22:50

Number of messages: 1549
Casper is right, "solamente relajándome" is too weird, if you want to express this kind of restriction you should use a more Latin-like turn of phrase, like:

"Y no hago otra cosa que relajarme"
"Y no hago más que relajarme"
"Y lo único que hago es relajarme"

Is that what "och bara slappar" means?

26 October 2007 17:14

casper tavernello
Number of messages: 5057
Ulrika says:

en la playa simplemente relajandome.

Go ahead Guilon.

27 October 2007 13:56

Number of messages: 1180
Podría ser tal vez:

Hola. Ahora estoy aquí sentado al sol en la playa y sólo descanso (y sólo/únicamente me relajo/distiendo)

Literalmente dice "a la luz del sol", no "al sol" (i solen). Mmmm... "me sociego" suena demasiado literario...