Umseting - Hebraiskt-Enskt - משחק מליגת העל בכדורגלNúverðandi støða Umseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum:  
Bólkur Ítróttur  Hendan umbidna umseting er "Bert meining". | משחק מליגת העל בכדורגל | Tekstur Framborið av caas | Uppruna mál: Hebraiskt
משחק מליגת העל בכדורגל | Viðmerking um umsetingina | TRata-se de um jogo de futebol; creio que este serao os nomes das equipas etalvez do estadio. |
| The elite soccer league game. | | Ynskt mál: Enskt
The elite soccer league game. | Viðmerking um umsetingina | The Hebrew is a bit difficult to translate exactly because, in essence, a more exact translation would say that it means "a game taken from the top soccer legue, but I translated it in the vernacular as, "the elite soccer legue game" as the closest English equivilent in "meaning only". |
Góðkent av dramati - 3 Januar 2008 14:00