Cucumis - Ókeypis álinju umsetingar tænasta
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Umseting - Danskt-Latín - De smukkeste ting i livet, kan hverken ses eller...

Núverðandi støðaUmseting
Hesin teksturin er tøkur í fylgjandi málum: DansktLatín

Bólkur Yrking

De smukkeste ting i livet, kan hverken ses eller...
Framborið av Kian
Uppruna mál: Danskt

De smukkeste ting i livet kan hverken ses eller røres, de skal føles i dit hjerte.

Hun er min engel og en solstråle i mit liv.
Viðmerking um umsetingina
The most beautiful things in life can neither be seen nor touched, they must be felt in your heart.

She is my angel and a ray of sunshine in my life.

Pulcherrima in vita nec videri nec tangi possunt

Umsett av alexfatt
Ynskt mál: Latín

Pulcherrima in vita nec videri nec tangi possunt, in corde tuo sentienda sunt.

Ea angelus meus radiusque solis in vita mea est.
Góðkent av Aneta B. - 24 September 2011 23:25

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24 September 2011 22:54

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Very good translation, Alex.
I just have a doubt about one word you have used: "laetissima" (the most cheerful, delighting, pleasing)...

The second option of yours seems to be much better, but:

24 September 2011 23:18

Tal av boðum: 1538
Gosh, those superlatives in "-errimus" have always confused me.
Thank you

24 September 2011 23:25

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487

25 September 2011 14:33

Tal av boðum: 3
Hi alex and Aneta thanks alot for the translation, am really happy for it but 1 question, is it Pulchrissima or Pulcherrima, got alittle confused with what u rotet Aneta :/ so just want to be sure and what does "nec" mean since its there 2 times..

is it (den smukkeste ting i livet-> Pulcherrima in vita nec) and (kan hverken ses eller røres->videri nec tangi possunt)

25 September 2011 15:57

Aneta B.
Tal av boðum: 4487
Hello Kian,
I'm sorry, but Alex and I don't know the source language, so the Latin translation was made on a basis of the English bridge.

After one correction I have accepted the translation. You have the correct version now.

"Pulcherrima in vita" = The most beautiful things in life

""= neither...nor...

"nec videri nec tangi possunt" = (the most beautigul things)can neither be seen nor touched
[i.e. videri = be seen, tangi = be touched]

Hope the explanations are fine.