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Vertaling - Deens-Engels - at gå i hundene man kan hvad man vil man skal...

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Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar voor de volgende talen: DeensEngelsLatijn

Categorie Uitdrukking

at gå i hundene man kan hvad man vil man skal...
Opgestuurd door katalinlund
Uitgangs-taal: Deens

at gå i hundene
man kan hvad man vil
man skal aldrig sige aldrig
livet er ikke en dans på roser
at male byen rød
man skal leve så længe man lever
har man sagt a må man også sige b
at sætte himmel og jord i bevægelse
at have penge som skidt
at vente en evig tid
Details voor de vertaling

to go down

Vertaald door lunatunes
Doel-taal: Engels

to go down
You can do what you set your mind to
You should never say never
life is not a dance upon roses
to paint the town ( red)
you should live as long as you live
if you´ve said A you have to say B
to move heaven and earth
to have money like dirt
to wait an eternity
Details voor de vertaling
freely translated- these are sayings
to go down could also be to fall apart
life is not a dance upon roses means life is not easy
if you´ve said A you have to say B means one thing leads to another. to have money like dirt means to be rich
Laatst goedgekeurd of bewerkt door lilian canale - 22 november 2008 02:09

Laatste bericht


18 november 2008 12:34

lilian canale
Aantal berichten: 14972
Hi lunatunes,

The comments, explanations, atc should be placed in the remarks, not in the translation field, OK?
Would you please clean up the translation so that we can set a poll?