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Tradução - Inglês-Grego - I've had a little bit too much, all of ...

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I've had a little bit too much, all of ...
Enviado por lemontheag
Língua de origem: Inglês

I've had a little bit too much
all of the people start to rush
start to rush by
Notas sobre a tradução
<edit> took these three single words off : A Red one; Convict; Gaga.<:edit>(06/25/francky on Lene's notification)

Είχα λίγο παραπάνω

Traduzido por AspieBrain
Língua alvo: Grego

Ήπια λίγο παραπάνω
όλοι οι άνθρωποι άρχισαν να βιάζονται
άρχισαν να προσπερνούν βιαστικά
Notas sobre a tradução
rush by = προσπερνώ κάτι βιαστικά

I've had a little bit too much =Είχα λίγο παραπάνω αλλά επειδή στο τραγούδι αναφέρεται στο ποτό--> Ήπια λίγο παραπάνω
Última validação ou edição por User10 - 17 Outubro 2009 19:46

Última Mensagem


12 Julho 2009 20:16

Número de mensagens: 849
Are you sure it's "start to rush babe" and not "start to rush by"?

14 Julho 2009 22:36

Número de mensagens: 212
how can I be sure? I translated what is there not what I think or assume that could be there...

14 Julho 2009 22:56

lilian canale
Número de mensagens: 14972
Actually this is lyrics from Lady Gaga's "Just dance" and you are right, Irini, it's "rush by". I'll correct the original.
Please Aspie Brain, adapt your translation, OK?
Sorry for the trouble

14 Julho 2009 22:59

Número de mensagens: 212
done! please let me know what you think

15 Julho 2009 01:17

Número de mensagens: 849
Aspie I wasn't asking you in my previous post really, I was asking the person who requested the translation Of course you couldn't possibly know.

As for this translation: If I am not very much mistaken is referring in general to overindulging in something and in particular to having a little too much to drink.