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Traduction - Albanais-Anglais - Se pari si jeni a jeni mir familja e juaj...

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Catégorie Language familier

Se pari si jeni a jeni mir familja e juaj...
Proposé par Ramiz Kastrati
Langue de départ: Albanais

Se pari si jeni a jeni mir familja e juaj shpresoj qe te jeni mire, Me vjen shum keq qe skam mundur te kthej pergjigje deri me tani, po edhe une I kam pasur disa pun edhe u kon dasht mu kry keshtu qe nese je e interesuar une do shkoj menjeher te kontaktoj firmen per sigurim, te uroj fat dhe shendet falimiderit per mirkuptim shpresoj qe sa me shpejt do shihemi with respeckt....
Commentaires pour la traduction

First how are you, are you ok, your family

Traduit par zgjim
Langue d'arrivée: Anglais

First how are you, are you ok, your family, I hope that you are ok, I feel really sorry that I couldn't reply until now, I had too much work, and I had to finish it, so if you are interested, I will go immediately to contact the company for security, I wish you luck and blessings, thank you for understanding, I hope that we'll see each other as soon as possible, see you, with respect.
Dernière édition ou validation par kafetzou - 17 Février 2007 15:55