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Traduzioni completate

Lingua originale
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Lingua originale
Inglese What time is it? Four thirty It's not...
What time is it?
Four thirty
It's not late, naw, naw,
Just early, early, early

President, he sweat through his talcum
News paper man, he watch like a falcon
"Ah, look...daddy-o...sorry, Mr. President...where ya been?"
Use a little english to doctor the spin

What time is it?
Four thirty
It's not late, naw, naw,
just early, early, early

It's my bread and butter
Ain't got no other
It's on the TV
The spin's on me...

Traduzioni completate
Polacco what time is it?
Turco Saat kaç? Dört otuz...
Lingua originale
Portoghese brasiliano ontem ganhei o jogo
ontem ganhei o jogo
por favor preciso desta frase

Traduzioni completate
Inglese yesterday I won the game
Polacco yesterday
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Svedese Svava bland molnen
Svava bland molnen
na moje oko jest w tym jakiś błąd...

Traduzioni completate
Polacco Bujac w oblokach
236Lingua originale236
Francese La vie ne vaut d'être vécue sans amour.
La vie ne vaut d'être vécue sans amour.

Traduzioni completate
Inglese Life isn't worth living without love.
Arabo الحياة لا تستحق أن تحيا بدون حبّ.
Rumeno Viaţa nu merită trăită fără dragoste.
Greco Η ζωή δεν αξίζει χωρίς αγάπη
Italiano La vita non merita di essere vissuta senza amore.
Danese Livet er ikke værd at leve uden kærlighed.
Portoghese brasiliano A vida não vale a pena sem amor.
Portoghese A vida não vale a pena sem amor.
Turco Hayat aşksız yaşamaya değmez.
Serbo Zivot nema smisla bez ljubavi
Tedesco Das Leben lohnt sich nicht ohne die Liebe
Svedese Livet är inte värt att leva utan kärlek.
Olandese Het leven is niet waard te leven zonder liefde.
Spagnolo La vida no merece...
Ungherese Az élet nem ér semmit szerelem nélkül.
Catalano La vida no paga la pena sense amor.
Coreano 사랑없이 사는 것은 무가치한 삶이다.
Polacco Życie jest niewiele warte bez miłości.
Faroese Lívið er ikki vert at liva uttan kærleika
Cinese 生活沒有愛就沒有活著的意義。
Latino Non meretur vitam
Islandese Lífið er ekki vert að lifa án kærleika
Bulgaro Животът не си струва да се живее без любов.
Russo Жизнь не стоит того, что бы прожить ее без любви.
Norvegese livet er ikke verdt å leve uten kjærlighet
Finlandese Elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista ...
Ebraico החיים אינם שווים לחיותם ללא אהבה
Ceco Život bez lásky nemá smysl.
10Lingua originale10
Portoghese brasiliano você é inesquecível
você é inesquecível
você é inesquecível

Traduzioni completate
Arabo لا يمكن نسيانك
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Svedese Goddag, hur står det till? Bara bra.
Goddag, hur står det till? Bara bra.
Ã¥ edited/160807 Porfyhr

Traduzioni completate
Francese Bonjour, comment ça va? Bien, merci
Inglese Hello, how do you do? Fine, thank you
Olandese Dag...
Lingua originale
Francese Mehdi
Bonjour Mehdi!!! comment vas-tu ce matin mon amour,... je suis super contente de t'avoir rencontré et j'espère que toi et moi on fera un petit bout de chemin ensemble,... Je t'adore ,...Meryem xxx

Traduzioni completate
Arabo صباح الخير مهدي !!!!
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Inglese reoccupation of Nort America 12,500 years ago...
reoccupation of Nort America 12,500 years ago from south of the ice going north.In the sub-Artic 11,500 years ago people moved out from the Beringean refuge to become the Eskimo

Traduzioni completate
Turco kuzey amerika iÅŸgali
Lingua originale
Inglese Dear Brother Murat Concerning item...
Concerning item 2 plastic headboard washer the price has too big difference and I will keep this with my current supplier. I also have other plastic requirments we will try and start on this item and then give you more business, it will give me great pleasure to start business with my fellow Turkieye brothers
bnnlar kucuk plastik parçalar bazıları üzerialtın ve gümüş yaldızla kaplanmış

Traduzioni completate
Turco Plastic
Lingua originale
Be careful, when the text is not authorized to be published on, it is automatically deleted %d weeks after submission

Traduzioni completate
Esperanto AÅ­Å­tomate
Spagnolo No_autorizado-eliminado-automáticamente
Russo публикация автоматически удаляется
Francese L'
Bulgaro Упълномощявам - - автоматично
Arabo مسموح-كوكوميس.منظ-آليا
Svedese Tillstå
Ceco Schválený
Cinese semplificato 有权自动
Cinese 授權-葫蘆娃網站-自動
Greco Εξουσιοδοτηθείαυτόματα
Hindi अधिकृत––स्वतः
Danese Autoriseres-cucumis-automatisk
Ungherese Engedé
Inglese Authorized-automatically-submission
Norvegese Tillatd-cucumis. org-automatisk
Coreano 허락되어지다-자동적으로-게시
Persiano اجازه داده شده-خودبخود-پیشنهاد
Lituano vertimas
Slovacco Nepovolená publikácia - automaticky vzmazaná
Irlandese Iarratas-uaimhrialathach-údaraithe
Afrikaans Gemagtig-outomaties-voorlegging
Lingua originale
Inglese Number-virtual-points-translating
Number of virtual-points for translating
Meaning : number of point potentially gained by the user if all done and submited translations are accepted.

Traduzioni completate
Tedesco Anzahl der virtuellen Punkte für's Übersetzen
Turco Sanal-çeviri-puanları
Catalano Nombre-punts-virtuals-traduccions
Giapponese Number-virtual-points-translating
Spagnolo Puntos virtuales por traducciones realizadas
Russo Количество-виртуальных-баллов
Esperanto Nombro de virtualaj poentoj por tradukado
Francese Points-virtuels-traduction
Lituano Taškai už vertimą
Bulgaro Брой виртуални точки за превеждане
Rumeno Număr-virtual-puncte-traducere
Arabo عدد -ظاهري-نِقاطُ -ترجمة
Portoghese Número-pontos-virtuais-traduzir
Ebraico מספר הנקודות הוירטואליות בשביל התירגום
Italiano Numero-virtuali-punti-tradurre
Albanese Numri i pikeve virtuale per perkthimin
Polacco Liczba-wirtualnych-punktów
Svedese Antal virtuella poäng för att översätta
Serbo Broj-virtuelnih-poena-prevodjenje
Cinese semplificato 数目-潜在-点数-翻译
Greco Αριθμός-εικονικών-πόντων-μετάφραση
Danese Virtuelle-point-oversættelse
Finlandese Virtuaalipisteiden-määrä-käännöksestä
Cinese 所得—虛擬—點數—翻譯
Ungherese A forditàs virtuàlis pontjai
Croato Broj-virtualni-bodovi-prevođenje
Norvegese Antall virtuelle poeng for å oversettelse.
Coreano 가상-포인트-번역
Ceco Počet-virtuálních-bodů-překlad
Persiano تعداد-مجازی-امتیازات-ترجمه
Slovacco Počet virtuálnych bodov za preklad
Afrikaans Aantal-virtueel-punte-vertaling
Thailandese แต้มที่จะได้รับจากการแปล
Lingua originale
Inglese Entirely-following-language
The text starting with "%t", is entirely written in the following language: %l
%t and %l must be kept in the translation

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Interamente-seguente-lingua
Portoghese brasiliano Totalmente-seguinte-idioma
Portoghese Inteiramente-seguinte-língua
Russo Полностью-следующий-язык
Tedesco Völlig die folgende Sprache
Olandese Volledig-volgende-taal
Spagnolo Totalmente-Siguiente-Idioma
Polacco Wyłącznie-poniższy-język
Arabo تماما-لغة-تالية
Turco Tamamıyle-müteakip-dil
Svedese Text språk börjar "%t": %l
Ebraico כול-באה-שפה
Catalano Completament-llengua-següent
Rumeno cu totul-urmatoarele limbi
Cinese semplificato 直译
Bulgaro Изцяло – следващ - език
Giapponese 全てー下記ー言語
Greco Κείμενο αποκλειστικά σε γλώσσα
Serbo Potpuno-sledeci-jezik
Albanese Komplet - në këtë - gjuhë
Danese Kun-sprog
Esperanto komplete-sekvanta-lingvo
Finlandese Kokonaan-seuraava-kieli
Croato Potpuno- slijedečem- jeziku
Norvegese Helt-følgende-språk
Coreano 오로지-다음-언어
Ceco Zcela-následujícím-jazykel
Persiano کاملاً-زیر-زبان
Curdo temamen-zimané pey dé-
Slovacco úplný-nasledujúci-jazyk
Afrikaans Geheel en al-volgende-taal
Hindi पूर्णतया निम्न भाषा में
Vietnamita Các văn bản bắt đầu với "% t", là hoàn toàn viết bằng ngôn ngữ sau:% l
Lingua originale
Inglese Translations-evaluated-corresponding
You can find the latest translations to be evaluated by clicking on the corresponding item of the left menu
for right to left langages, replace left by right

Traduzioni completate
Olandese Vertalingen-gewaardeerd-overeenkomen
Esperanto tradukoj-taksendaj-koresponda
Francese Visualiser-traductions-corresopndant
Tedesco Ãœbersetzungen-beurteilen-entsprechend
Catalano Traduccions-avaluar-corresponent
Giapponese Translations-evaluated-corersponding
Spagnolo Traducciones-evaluar-correspondientes
Sloveno prevodi - ocenjeni - dotični
Turco Çeviriler-değerlendirilen-ilgili
Bulgaro Преводи - отобрение - свързано с
Rumeno Traduceri-evaluat-corespunzătoare
Russo Соответствуюший-переводы-оценки
Arabo ترجمات-مقيّمة-متوافقة
Portoghese Traduções-avaliadas-correspondente
Ebraico תרגומים - הערכה - מתאים
Italiano Traduzioni-valutate-corrispondenti
Albanese Perkthim-vleresuar-ngjashem
Polacco najnowsze tłumaczenia...
Svedese Evaluering
Cinese semplificato 翻译-评分-相应
Cinese translating to traditional Chinese
Greco Μεταφράσεις-αξιολογημένες-αντίστοιχο
Inglese Translations-evaluated-corresponding
Serbo Prevod - vrednovan-odgovarati
Danese Oversættelse-evaluering
Finlandese Käännös-arvioitavana-vastaava
Croato Prijevodi-procijenjeni-određeni
Ungherese Megnézni-forditàsok-megfelelö
Norvegese Oversettelser-Evaluerte-tilsvarende
Coreano 번역물-검증되다-해당
Ceco Překlady-ohodnotit-odpovídající
Persiano ترجمه ها-ارزیابی شده-مکاتبه
Slovacco Preklady na zhodnotenie
Curdo wargeran - baexdan - ham maana
Irlandese Aistriúcháin-barúil a thabhairt-mír a bhaineas le do rogha
Afrikaans Vertalings-geevalueer-ooreenstemmend
Vietnamita Bạn có thể tìm
Macedone Превод- оценка
Lingua originale
Inglese Meaning only
Meaning only
Used for the kind of translation request you want to submit. Meaning only means that you only want the meaning of the text and not a beautiful translation.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Somente o significado
Russo Общий смысл
Spagnolo sólo el significado
Cinese semplificato 粗略翻译
Tedesco Nur Bedeutung
Polacco Tylko znaczenie
Olandese alleen betekenis
Rumeno Cuvânt cu cuvânt
Turco Yalnizca anlami
Svedese Endast innebörden/betydelsen
Italiano Solo significato
Greco Μόνο νόημα
Danese Kun betydning
Catalano Només el significat
Serbo Samo značenje
Bulgaro Само по смисъл
Portoghese brasiliano Somente o significado
Ucraino Лише зміст
Ebraico משמעות בלבד
Arabo المعنى فقط
Finlandese Vain merkitys
Esperanto Signifo nur
Croato Samo značenje
Ungherese Csak a jelentés
Cinese 只需意譯
Giapponese 意味だけ
Macedone Само значењето
Nepalese शब्दार्थ मात्र
Albanese Vetëm kuptimi
Ceco Jenom význam
Bosniaco samo znacenje
Norvegese Kun lydelsen
Estone tähendus
Slovacco Len zmysel
Coreano 의미만 번역하기
Lituano vertimas
Latino verbum e verbo
Faroese Merking bara
Klingon chaq pIm mu'mey, 'ach rap QIn
Persiano فقط معنی
Lettone Tikai nozīme
Islandese Meining eingöngu
Indonesiano Untuk dimintai pendapat
Irlandese Brí amháin
Hindi केवल मतलब
Georgiano მხოლოდ მთავარი აზრი
Thailandese ความหมายเท่านั้น
Vietnamita Chỉ dịch nghĩa
Lingua originale
Questa richiesta di traduzione è "Solo significato".
Arabo السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف الحال صفاء...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته كيف الحال صفاء انا صهيب انا بدي احكيلك اني ما لو اموت شو بتعملي والله انا بمووووووووت من كتر حبي الك ولو تدري شو في قلبي بس انا بحكيها انابحبك موت والي الأبد وانت منى حياتي ولن اتخلى عنك
ترجم هذا النص الي الفرنسي والعبري

Traduzioni completate
Francese Je t'aime à en mourir
Ebraico שלום עליכם ורחמי האל וברכתו. איך המצב טוב?
Portoghese brasiliano Amo você até a morte
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