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333Traduzione - Inglese-Ungherese - The most beautiful dream I've ever had ...

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Categoria Poesia

The most beautiful dream I've ever had ...
Aggiunto da maros
Lingua originale: Inglese Tradotto da kafetzou

The most beautiful dream I have ever had is the one with you in it, the deepest love I have ever felt is your creation! The most beautiful world I have ever seen is your eyes, and the most beautiful vision I have ever had is you!


Tradotto da Cisa
Lingua di destinazione: Ungherese

A valaha volt legszebb álmomban te voltál, a legmélyebb szerelem mit valaha is éreztem a te alkotásod! A legszebb világ mit valaha láttam a szemed, és a valaha volt leggyönyörűbb látomásom te vagy!
Ultima convalida o modifica di Cisa - 10 Settembre 2008 20:23