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Traduzione - Francese-Inglese - La Côte d'Ivoire a hérité d'un groupe terrible...

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La Côte d'Ivoire a hérité d'un groupe terrible...
Aggiunto da bamba
Lingua originale: Francese

La Côte d'Ivoire a hérité d'un groupe terrible avec le Nigeria, superpuissance africaine, et le très prometteur Mali, lors du tirage au sort de la Coupe d'Afrique des nations (CAN-2008), alors que le Ghana pays hôte a évité le plus dur, vendredi à Accra, avec le Maroc, la Guinée et la Namibie.

Ivory Coast got stuck with a terrible group

Tradotto da eupi
Lingua di destinazione: Inglese

Ivory Coast was stuck with a terrible group including Nigeria, African superpower, and the up-and-coming Mali, at the drawing of lots for the Africa Cup of Nations (CAN-2008), while host country Ghana avoided the toughest, Friday in Accra, with Morocco, Guinea and Namibia.
Ultima convalida o modifica di IanMegill2 - 21 Ottobre 2007 15:03

Ultimi messaggi


21 Ottobre 2007 14:47

Numero di messaggi: 1671
Original form of translation:
Ivory Coast has inherited a terrible group with Nigeria, superpower african country, and the promising Mali, in African Nation's Cup drawing of lots (CAN-2008 ), meanwhile host country Ghana avoided the toughest, Friday at Accra, with Morocco, Guinea and Namibia.